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QMS for Wood, Paper, Furniture

When it all seems a bit puzzling, we’ll keep you aligned

A comprehensive approach to compliance with an automated QMS can improve product quality, help speed products to market and improve consumer safety.

Wood Furniture Warehouse and Inventory
E Ink logo
Herman Miller logo

Safeguarding trusted brands around the world

ETQ QMS pulp and paper manufacturing facility factory smoke and crane

Health & safety for wood, paper & furniture

We’ll manage the risk so you can take care of your people

Increase visibility into all quality and safety process and gain access to priceless data with an automated QMS:

  • Track KPIs using advanced analytics
  • Uncover best practices
  • Identify trends and leading indicators
ETQ QMS wood industry supply chain quality manager at computer

Supply chain quality

Your global reality calls for a comprehensive approach to compliance

Avoid supply chain disruptions with ETQ Reliance:

  • Shorten corrective action closure times
  • Prevent defects and complaints
  • Benchmark suppliers and collaborate on SCARs
  • Improve productivity

Our mission is to deliver optimal quality that creates benefits for top- and bottom-line financials and global growth. ETQ Reliance gives customer the power to:

Improve decision velocity

Increase decision velocity icon

Improve decision velocity by delivering trusted prescriptive and predictive information using analytics, automation, and AI

Drive compliance at scale

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Efficiently meet changing regulatory, compliance, customer, and market requirements at scale

Improve supplier quality

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Improve supplier quality to ensure positive business impact and enhanced customer loyalty

Reduce cost of quality

reduce cost of poor quality

Reduce cost of quality to minimize business disruption, brand risk, and revenue impact

Accelerate time to market

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Accelerate time to market by optimizing the product life cycle

ETQ Reliance QMS

ETQ Reliance QMS

A quality management solution (QMS) that delivers measurable business value

ETQ Reliance consumer products quality management system colorful Herman Miller eames chairs

Case study

Herman Miller

Meeting customers’ high-expectations by providing suppliers and employees real time access to quality data — from anywhere

Yellow dart hitting bullseye on dart board

White paper

Driving ROI: The Business Case for a Proven Quality Management System

Hobson & Company, a research firm focused on Return on Investment (ROI) studies, worked with ETQ to explore how ETQ’s Reliance addresses quality management challenges

Why not take a minute to find out more about ETQ Reliance.