ETQ Quick Read – QMS Decision Criteria Check List

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ETQ Reliance for Quality Professionals

Driving Continuous Improvement in Quality Management

Drive increased quality, safety, and customer satisfaction at every step with ETQ’s quality management system (QMS) software.
Increase visibility and traceability across your organization by standardizing your quality management processes and retaining flexibility around your evolving business needs.

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Driving increased satisfaction for quality professionals across the globe

benefits of quality management system etq reliance automate paper process quality manager trapped in office filed with paper


Reduce the cost of quality

If you’re a quality management professional, ETQ Reliance can help you simplify the audit management process and reduce the cost of quality.

  • Replace error-prone, manual audit processes with an efficient, automated audit management system
  • Lower the cost of remediating audit findings by improving internal and external audit management
  • Increase your chances of success by ensuring your organization is always audit-ready
Woman wearing eyeglasses shown pointing at analytics on desktop monitor


Make quality the cornerstone of your profitability

Using ETQ Reliance to optimize your business processes can feel like a big investment. But it has significant benefits.

  • Reduce the time you spend revising, reviewing, and approving documents
  • Speed up issue resolution
  • Reduce scrap and rework costs
  • Improve transparency and accountability across your supply chain

ETQ Reliance’s QMS solutions are designed with quality professionals in mind

Application breadth

From A to Z, adapted to your needs

A complete quality assurance solution— across the full product life cycle—that grows with you.

Built-in and configurable apps

Get up and running fast

​Begin with best practices and easily adapt and evolve in response to business changes.


Easily adopted by any team member

First rate training management and 4 types of online learning.

Watch case study

Case study

Rapidly adapt to internal and external changes using ETQ Reliance

Trane Technologies designed, developed, and launched 52 QMS sites globally, with a team of only three people, using ETQ’s powerful sandbox capabilities.

Three monkeys, one with hands over ears, one with hands over eyes and one with hands over mouth in hear, see and speak no evil pose White paper


The hidden cost of “doing nothing” and why it’s a concern for quality professionals

Technology evolves quickly, and your organization must evolve with it. Those who opt to “do nothing” and go with the flow risk falling behind the wayside.
Being proactive and investing in ETQ Reliance’s QMS fills gaps that might lead to quality issues down the line and alleviates the cost of doing nothing.

ETQ Reliance Life Sciences compliance software build quality diapers child and teddy bear Case Study

Case Study

Kimberly-Clark uses ETQ Reliance to achieve harmonization

Kimberly-Clark Corporation (K-C) is a leading manufacturer of consumer products, medical supplies, and medical devices. The company’s quality professionals implemented ETQ Reliance to integrate safety, environmental, and quality workflows.

ETQ Reliance has allowed K-C to eliminate system fragmentation and unnecessary waste and replace 700 redundant systems with one unified system. This led to significant cost savings and increased productivity.

Why not take a minute to find out more about ETQ Reliance quality management solutions?