Meet Us in Miami for ETQ Quality Vision 2020

By Chris Nahil

Here at ETQ, we’re looking forward to our trip to beautiful Miami! We’ve been working hard to make sure our upcoming events, Quality Leadership Forum and ETQ Quality Vision 2020, exceed your expectations. We can’t wait to share ideas and insights on quality and health and safety with you under the Florida sun.

Quality is our mission. And we love that it’s your mission, too.

We’re in the quality business, clearly, and we once again look forward to your point of view on what exactly that means to your organization, how to implement quality and safety programs throughout your organization, the challenges you’ll face, and how ETQ solutions can help. That’s because our mission isn’t selling IT solutions. Our mission is helping our clients and partners create quality-focused businesses; developing cutting-edge IT solutions just happens to be how we do it.

The best part of Quality Vision 2020 is the opportunity to learn from and be inspired by each other, both through the formal event sessions and the informal gatherings that take place spontaneously during the warm Miami evenings. Maybe you’ll learn how another quality professional is using ETQ to solve a problem you’re struggling with. Or maybe you’ll share some ways you’ve used ETQ in a unique way that’s made a big impact, and other attendees will be inspired to go home and try it for themselves, furthering their own push for quality.

We hope to learn a lot from you, too, so we can get to work developing our next generation of solutions to solve your most urgent pain points.

So why should you join us in Miami for ETQ Quality Vision?

Because what we’ve got planned is too good to miss!

March 2: The Quality Leadership Forum

Let’s begin with the half-day Quality Leadership Forum the day before the headline event starts. This forum is for executives who are passionate about making quality a strategic imperative, both within their own organizations and across their industries. We’ll be discussing topics like Quality 4.0, Quality Analytics, Supplier Quality, and Building a Culture of Quality.

We’ve got some of the top experts in quality management lined up to share their insights:

  • Dave Ryeson, Partner and Associate Director Manufacturing/Industry 4.0 at BCG: Dave will lead a discussion on “Why Quality 4.0 Takes More Than Technology.”
  • Hong Xu, VP of Quality at Kaiser Aluminum: Hong will use his own challenges and successes to lead a discussion on “Driving a Culture of Quality.”
  • Matt Littlefield, President & Principal Analyst of LNS Research: Matt will spearhead a discussion on “Quality 4.0 and Analytics.”

This forum should provide some lively discussions about the future of Quality 4.0 and create a relatable context for the rest of the event.

Afterward, you can wind down by meeting new arrivals at the opening reception.

March 3-6: Leadership, inspiration, interaction, and training

When the sun rises in Miami on March 3, we’ll start our immersion experience in quality and health and safety management. Here’s what we have in store for you:

  • What’s coming: We’ll give you a preview of our latest solutions and innovations, describe some use cases, and explain how to use them.
  • Practical tips: We’re on a mission to make sure you’re getting everything you can from your investment in the ETQ platform. You won’t want to miss our sessions on how to apply our technology to even more processes.
  • Crowd-sourced knowledge: We’re proud to admit it: Sometimes our customers know more than we do. When we put this many people with bright minds and a commitment to quality in one place, we should all take home a list of things we want to try with ETQ solutions.
  • In-depth training: Whether it’s scheduling one-on-one sessions with our top experts or attending Passport training on Reliance, you have the opportunity to take a crash course on the things you need to know right now.

Oh…did we talk about inspiration yet? We’ve got that taken care of, too.

Special Quality Vision Guest Keynote Speaker John Rossman

As if you’d need any more inspiration at this point, we’re proud to welcome John Rossman, best-selling author and former Amazon executive, as our special guest keynote speaker. John is an expert on digital disruption, innovation, and the IoT. He was also recognized as a “Top 30 Guru in Organizational Culture” by Global Gurus. He’ll be sharing his thoughts on operational excellence and building a culture of quality.

John will also be signing copies of his best-selling books: Think Like Amazon: 50 ½ Ideas to Become a Digital Leader and The Amazon Way: 14 Leadership Principles Behind The World’s Most Disruptive Company.

See you in Miami!

All that and Miami, too. And when it’s over and you go back to work, not only will you get to show off your tan — you’ll get to show off what you learned. You’ll be fired up and ready to implement all of your new knowledge (whether from your hosts or your colleagues), setting your company up to be a hero of the quality revolution.